Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Morning Brain

Image from Istock
It turns out I'm not the only one whose brain doesn't work in the morning....The other day the husband had to leave early for work, this meant I got to be the one still sleeping luxuriously in bed while he got up and got ready :) and boy did it feel good....I didn't get to relish it for too long though maybe 10 minutes after he left my phone starts ringing and I kid you not we had the following conversation:

Jay: So there is frost on your windshield, you can just use windshield wiper fluid to make it go away.
Me: Ummmm I know that but thanks for calling to tell me.
Jay: Oh well I just drove the car without clearing it off, that wasn't very smart I couldn't see anything.
Me: Yeah that's not such a great idea why didn't you use your windshield wiper fluid?
Jay: I don't know but I didn't hear any thuds while I was driving so I guess I should be ok.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Work is a little quiet now and it's not so good for my bank account. I am currently drooling over this bag. Do I need it? NO Do I WANT it? YES PLEASE! The only thing is I feel it's a little big but considering I can't zip my current bag that might not be so bad!

Monday, November 24, 2008

In Loving Memory

Hirjibhai Dattani, my great grandfather....yes that's right very few are lucky to meet their great grandparents and although I only met him twice I love him whole heartedly. A year ago today he passed away and his presence in our family is irreplaceable. He was an amazing, compassionate, strong, hard working, honorable man, and those are just a few of his qualities. We all struggle to follow in his footsteps and I know he is guiding us along from where he is.

Friday, November 21, 2008

To Do

Image from

I work so much better when I have a list. When I can cross something off and know that it's done I am more motivated to tackle the next thing on the list so I can get that satisfied feeling. I am also such a procrastinator meaning gifts get bought but never sent out, forms/paperwork will lie on the dresser needing to get filled out, simple things that really only take a few minutes get put off. However once it's all written down on paper staring me in the face I HAVE to do it! So yesterday I made a simple To Do list with a few things I've been meaning to get to. I used a big font and then taped it right next to the TV so when I'm tempted to just lie there all warm and tucked away watching TV that list is taunting me with all the things I have TO DO. It worked quite well for me yesterday as I got together two gifts that have to be sent out, filled out the rebate form on my new phone and bagged it up for the hubby to take to the post office. The Hubby is a completely different story I could put everything on a post it and stick it to his forehead or better yet tape it to the TV itself and he would just say "oh we'll do it tomorrow now can you move this piece of paper it's in my way". What motivates you to get things done and if you have a significant other HOW do you motivate them??

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I won't lie....

Image from US Magazine
I LOVED watching the Newlyweds when it was on MTV. Especially Jessica's crazy antics like the $800 lingerie, the Louis Vuitton camping trip, or the chicken or tuna debacle. Despite all of those things I really thought they were a cute couple and I loved her music from those days! Their variety show on the other hand was a little corny and I remember flipping the channel after a few minutes. Have any of you heard any of her new country stuff? If so is it any good? I'll be listening to With You on my ipod today that's for sure :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Baby it's Cold outside!

This is the latest weather report from fun for me at all and I most definitely have to layer up to make sure I stay warm! So I dragged out all my winter coats and thought I would share them with you guys...

I had to buy this brown one because I was going somewhere that required a jacket not black, blue, or gray. So late in the season this was all I could really find and while it's grown on me over time the hubby LOVES this coat and was the reason I kept it. I just don't like that it has no pockets!

This red one is my favorite and although it doesn't look quite as cute on the hanger it's a baby doll jacket and looks adorable when it's on.
This grey one is cropped and fits more like a riding jacket, I love that this one has a hood for keeping your head covered and your hair straight on a snowy day :) Both of the fun scarves were made by my mom! Yes she is super talented in all things knitting and these scarves are perfection! She uses the softest chenille like yarn mixed with a a furry one to keep you nice and warm. Not only that but she can make the length longer or shorter depending on your coat...The pastel one was actually made for a longer light blue coat but I donated that last year and I wear it with the grey coat now although it's a little longer. We were thinking of setting up an Etsy shop for her where people can order custom scarves (length and color) she also makes them for little girls! So what do you think?? Would you buy one for yourself or to give as a gift?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Not feeling....

Although I liked last nights episode of Gossip Girl there were just a few things I wasn't feeling.

*Serena's outfit in the picture above and that yucky fake hair piece/braid thing.....It looked like twine got mangled in her hair!

*Aaron Rose....still thinks he needs some shampoo and I really wrinkle my nose when he comes on the screen as if he has a bad smell or something!

*Jenny's hair....While I liked her plaid shirt/dress I really wasn't feeling the mullet hair-do.

*The weird pie-feeding thing between Blair and her dad.

*Vanessa!!! Why????

Shopping Spree

I am sure many of you are signed up for the Sale Mail from Shop it To Me.....It is such a great and often TEMPTING resource since they find all the items in the brands you love in your sizes and drop them right in your in box! No more finding the perfect sweater or shoe on clearance, giddily rushing to buy it and then being disappointed when it's not in your size! I have been really good about not purchasing things and just looking even though those super cute Dooney&Bourke Wristlets were HARD to pass up! Yesterday though I fell in love with these cute tweed shoes from Aeropostale and the price was too good to pass up....
But those cute shoes led to a mini shopping spree and I got a ton of great Christmas gifts for $100 bucks! Christmas is going to be low-key this year but it was great being able to find things I really thought each person would love at prices I could really afford!! I am planning on doing something small for everyone and then getting a pair of fun socks for my sister in laws, my mother in law, and my mom to start a tradition of sorts! Besides how cute are these?? What are your tips for giving great gifts on a budget? If you want to sign up for Shop it To Me I have a ton of invites left so leave your e-mail in the comments and I'll send you an invite!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Party Favors

I love finding unique party favors to give out...Really it excites me to find something perfect and unique that I think everyone will love. If I have time then I try to do something crafty but for our get together a few weeks ago there was no time! We had such a busy week and the only option was store bought.....Since it was for Diwali (the festival of lights) I definitely wanted it to be something bright and colorful as well as relating back to the holiday....I didn't have much time to look but I fell in love with these:I loved the bright colors that reminded me of rangoli patterns and the fact that there was a wick inside to light, this way if you put it out on your porch the flame can't blow out because it's protected.
I also wanted to do something for the kiddies that helped them understand what Diwali was really about, again I didn't have much time so originally I thought I would buy a story book. The hubby however came up with a much better idea, I guess he knows how I am and until I found the perfect book I would have kept searching. He pulled a few links to some online resources, such as the story of Diwali and some coloring pages etc. This way I was able to put exactly what I wanted into the book. I created a simple cover page, started with the story of Diwali, a few ADORABLE coloring sheets...I mean really how cute are these?
a few rangoli patterns to color, and lastly a create your own elephant! ( I love elephants)
Everything was hole punched and put into a red three prong folder, we planned to give them out along with crayons but didn't get time to buy the crayons :(. I had also purchased labels to make cute stickers for the front but again no time. Although we gave them out at the end of the night these could easily be handed out at the beginning of the evening this could also be used to entertain kids during a party. If you are hosting or attending Thanksgiving/Christmas parties and know you there will be little ones in attendance this is a great way to keep them occupied while parents enjoy the festivities.
Here are some links for some Thanksgiving and Christmas printables.
This gingerbread is SO cute but would need supervision since it requires scissors:
Some Word Searches/Mazes that can be mixed in:
It is so super easy to do and you can add what you like and think your group of kids would enjoy as well as focus on what you would like them to learn about the holiday! Also account for one or two extra, I had an exact count on kids and only made that many and we had a last minute friend come along. Luckily the mom was understanding though!
Oops! The Diwali coloring pages are thanks to for anyone tha tis interested :)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Picture Collage

So ever since I saw this diy idea over on Bryn's blog I was inspired to do something similar of my own. (If you follow her instructions it makes it SO easy to do!) Since we were having our first get together a few weeks ago it seemed like the perfect time to dress the house up a bit. My hubby on the other hand wasn't so sure about putting up so many frames and having our wedding pictures in them. Don't get me wrong I didn't want all pictures of us and these were the best ones we had with the entire family. Also while these will be up for awhile I do have a few other ideas of what to replace them with until we have kids. I honestly LOVE how it turned out and love having pictures of both our families blended together! I think once it was done he liked the finished product too! So without further ado:The wall is actually quite big but it looks off center since the sofa is further to the right. Please excuse the chairs they have to be put away from the company we had!
He also insists he is going to frame a 4x6 of a picture of all of the frames and post it on the wall across, just to see what people will look at more. But that's just him making fun of me and I have half a mind to actually print him a 4x6 and tape it to the wall as a joke!

Interestingly enough while this debate was going on at my house it seemed to be quite popular in the blog arena so for some other thoughts on displaying your wedding pictures you can check out Make Mine a Mojito, Blue Eyed Bride, and Misadventures of a Newlywed

Thursday, November 13, 2008


There's something about this song that makes me crave for a college night out with just the girls!

A night at the Golden Rail with my girlies all dressed up not caring about anything else but having a good time and singing a long to the music! After all that dancing a pit stop at the Grease Trucks for yummy Fat Cats and cheese fries or maybe we'll order Neubies and make them deliver even though our place is right across the street :). So here's to these four fabulous ladies maybe there's a girls night in our cards soon? Our theme song for the night should totally be "Just Dance".

P.S. While I love this song I was totally cracking up at this comment Christina Augilera made to the LA Times about Lady Gaga copying her look!

"What do you say to those on the Internet who are hinting that you borrowed Lady Gaga’s look?"

"You know, that’s funny that you mention that. This person [Lady Gaga] was just brought to my attention not too long ago. I’m not quite sure who this person is, to be honest. I don’t know if it is a man or a woman. I just wasn’t sure. I really don’t spend any time on the Internet, so I guess I live a little under a rock in that respect. "

Can you guys tell who is who?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

In case you were wondering

I blogged a few weeks ago about not being able to do this exercise. Well yesterday when we went to class things were going well in fact I even thought in my head YAY! I can report back to the blog world that I have successfully mastered this! No sooner had I thought my ball rolled off and hit my poor husband in the head who then started laughing because he thought I did on purpose. I am sure the instructor noticed because there was only four of us in class but thankfully she didn't say anything....Looks like I still have some work to do!

Signature Scent

I was never a huge perfume person...that probably had something to do with the fact that my mom gets massive headaches when she is around someone that has used too much perfume or cologne. Not kidding we have to RUN through the perfume section at Macy's because she just cannot handle it. To still smell nice without giving my mom a huge headache I stayed away from perfumes and stuck with body sprays. Mostly Enchanted Apple from Victoria Secret not too strong but still yummy to smell!

Then I started alternating between these two Sweet Pea and Dream from Gap. Dream bordered a little more on the perfumey side but it smelled so great and is still one of my favorite scents to date.

All of this was up until I heard of Connexion by Lancome, my aunt works for Lancome so I asked her to keep an eye out for when it came in. I'll admit it was the purple bottle that drew me to it but once she got it for me I gave up everything else for this perfume, it was a mix of magnolia, blackberry, and vanilla (one of my favorite smells). Unfortunately it was only really being sold abroad and we were lucky she even got the few bottles that she could. I've seen a few times at the perfume stores but I am always wary with those places and prefer to get it direct from the company.
For our first Valentines Jay bought be Romance by Ralph Lauren, this is a pretty popular scent from what I have heard. This is a mix of fresh rose, ginger, marigold, violet, oakmoss and musk and was a little stronger then what I am used to but it definitely grew on me.

On our second Valentines he bought me Versace Bright Crystal which I absolutely LOVED. It has more of a flowery scent to it and is made up of magnolia, iced accord, yuzu, musk, pomegranate, acajou, peony, plant amber, lotus flowers. Unfortunately the pump on it broke and I don't know how to get the rest of the perfume out!Currently I am using Realities which was a wedding gift from the hubby and I thing besides Connexion this is my favorite to date. It has a really light smell to it not overpowering at all but just enough to make your presence known. Thanks to the lady at the perfume counter for suggesting this one :) It is a blend of Mirror Orchid, Vanilla, Magic Lantern Orchid, Musk, White Ginger, Bergamot, Pink Peonies, Persian Violet, Sandalwood, Gardenia. Maybe for me the trick is having that bit of Vanilla!
I also want to get Lacoste Touch of Pink which is a mix of Coriander Leaf, Touch of Vanilla, Blood Orange, Cardamom seed, Cardamom, Musks, Jasmine, Carrot seed, Violet Leaf, and Sandalwood. See what I mean about the Vanilla? This scent is a little more casual then the others but still yummy!

What are your favorite scents? Or do you have a signature one that you always use?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Totally not feeling it

Everytime this guy comes on Gossip Girl it makes me wrinkle my nose and wonder if he's shampooed his hair lately....I guess he doesn't have much time between all those dates! So far I'm really not liking this guy and I hope he's out of the picture soon!

Fun Find

A lot of people have been jumping on the Go Green bandwagon lately. There is even a committee at work to think of ways to make our company a greener place! Whether it's because you really believe in it or because everyone else is doing it, going green is very important and I'm just glad so many people are starting to take interest.

I found these FABULOUS wedding invitations I wanted to share because not only are they green but they have something special about them.

These cards are embedded with wildflower seeds and can actually be planted! So for everyone that gets an invitation as opposed to just throwing them away after the wedding (I generally keep mine for crafty purposes) they can plant them and have a wonderful memory from your wedding! You can get the invites printed in any of these 9 colors and I don't think that these should be limited to wedding cards and probably would work well for engagement parties or anniversary parties.
I absolutely love the idea of getting one of these and am tempted to order a sample just to see if it really works! For more information check here.

Monday, November 10, 2008


What do you do with a bunch of leftover remote control playing cards? Make a fun matching game for your adorable nephews! This can actually be done with any playing cards (princess, winnie-the pooh, or just your classic deck) you might have and since we had already been playing the matching game with these particular cards as they were when they flipped them over and found the pictures on the other side they were thrilled! If you have never played the matching game before it is super easy just lay your cards face down and then each player gets to pick two in hopes of making a match.

All you have to do is print the pictures the size of the card (I re sized in photoshop and was able to fit 4 images on one 5X7). Make sure to get doubles of each picture, cut out, and glue onto the card. If you don't have playing cards you can just use a fun patterned paper on the back. Trust me they'll be thrilled when they flip them over and find mommy, daddy, grandma, grandpa etc. It's the perfect personalized stocking stuffer!

Friday, November 7, 2008


So I finally got back my Thank You card drafts from my photographer....and I think I am leaning towards this one....

The only thing I don't like is she seemed to have airbrushed my face which is fine but I don't want to look like spray tan barbie....Here is the image on the thank you card compared with the original....I think I like the natural one a lot better with maybe a slight touch up....

Here is the second choice....

I like them both but am leaning toward the first with the airbrush taken out....What do you guys think?? HELP!!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008


It's raining it's pouring and I want some rain boots! Actually I've wanted them for awhile but I haven't been able to justify buying them to myself....So until then some window shopping fun!

I love peacock feathers and these are so fun!
You can never go wrong with basic black and I love the lace up on the front of these

These just look nice and warm perfect for a rainy day and a neutral color that will match a lot of things.

These are from I love the grey and lavender combo and plaid is so in right now!

These are all from so hard to resist since they are cute and cheap!

Purple....Need I say more?
I don't know about you but I always tend to wear something comfy and black on a rainy day...these are a cute way to add a burst of color!

These are just WAY too cute! I love the whimsical little bird on them.....Perfect for jumping in puddles!

I hope your weather isn't as dreary as today is here!