I work so much better when I have a list. When I can cross something off and know that it's done I am more motivated to tackle the next thing on the list so I can get that satisfied feeling. I am also such a procrastinator meaning gifts get bought but never sent out, forms/paperwork will lie on the dresser needing to get filled out, simple things that really only take a few minutes get put off. However once it's all written down on paper staring me in the face I HAVE to do it! So yesterday I made a simple To Do list with a few things I've been meaning to get to. I used a big font and then taped it right next to the TV so when I'm tempted to just lie there all warm and tucked away watching TV that list is taunting me with all the things I have TO DO. It worked quite well for me yesterday as I got together two gifts that have to be sent out, filled out the rebate form on my new phone and bagged it up for the hubby to take to the post office. The Hubby is a completely different story I could put everything on a post it and stick it to his forehead or better yet tape it to the TV itself and he would just say "oh we'll do it tomorrow now can you move this piece of paper it's in my way". What motivates you to get things done and if you have a significant other HOW do you motivate them??
Disney Cruise: The Islands
22 hours ago
I need to get better about having a list. I was just thinking about that today. I wish I could be as organized as you!
Lists! I am totally a list freak, I have lists everywhere and I try to minimize and get everything on one list but so far that doesn't work. I love lists too :)
Oh, and I tape things to the (inside) of the front door. Things that I need to do but that take me out of the house (errands, etc), I hate having things on the door so I tend to get those done quicker. It works for me.
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