Thursday, December 18, 2008


I saw Susannah's Post over at Petunia Face and it brought back memories....So I thought I would share these from my 2006 trip to India. I also went in 2008 but I never uploaded them or went through them because while I was there my great grandmother passed away and I never looked at them after that...I hope you enjoy them and a big thanks to Susannah for decribing my thoughts exactly...


Piper Jacquelyn said...

Such beautiful, colorful photos!

Petunia Face said...

Beautiful photos! Have you seen the movie "Outsourced"? We rented it this weekend and I highly recommend it--very funny flick about the cultural differences an American sees when he lives there for a few months. Also, I can't wait to see Slumdog Millionaire.

I would LOVE to be able to visit India NOT on a work trip. Of course then I wouldn't be able to stay at nice places like the Oberoi, but still. It is such a stunning country, full of mystery and life.

Thanks for the link back! Happy Holidays!