Britney Spears has been all over TV lately to promote her new CD Circus. There was the MTV special on Sunday, GMA today, and countless magazine covers. I don't know if any of you watched the MTV special, I did and I really just got the feeling that while she's determined to get back out there she still looks a little lost. It basically seems like she's trapped in her life. I was never a huge fan of hers anyhow but I have to give her credit for picking herself back up and facing the world again. This shot of her from her recent Glamour photo shoot looks a little off to me but you can tell she is trying and I love that sweater she's in....it looks so warm and comfy perfect for the chilly day we are having today....
P.S. For those who are wondering I did order the Armani Exchange bag below at 30% off and free shipping but when I got it, it was WAY larger then it looked and the handle made it a little awkward to carry. :( Thank goodness for free returns! I am on the look out for something similar in style just smaller if you see anything let me know!
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