Thursday, December 4, 2008


Photos from and

So I just found out I am helping host a bridal shower next Thursday.....I have a few themes in my head that I think could be thrown together. There won't be any invites so that's one less thing to worry about....I just have to focus on a theme, games, decor, and favors. Any thoughts?? My two top runners are a movie theme with posters from love stories printed out and put up in 8x11 frames to seem like a movie theatre and stars hangings etc. As a favor you can give out CD's with top love songs from these movies. Along with bridal shower games I was thinking of having a game of movie trivia. The second idea is for a garden party but inside because it's cold....this would have a picnic style set up and decor, the normal bridal shower games, and maybe potted flowers for a favor?? What are your thAdd Imageoughts, ideas, recommendations??


Mango Gal said...

Oooh! Sounds like fun!
Check out this site:
She always has great ideas for parties!

Anonymous said...

Both sound really great. I agree with Mango....if you're indecisive at all check out hostessblog, she has a ton of stuff! :)

Thank you for your well wishes :)

Sarah Ring said...

I love hostess with the mostess for ideas!!

I like both of your themes, but I think that even and un-themed simple get together would still be lovely - I wouldn't stress too much about themes, perhaps just pick a color scheme and use that to go by! Good luck - you know I want to see pictures!