Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My Brain is Mush!

Here are some thoughts that are wondering around in my head today.....

*Squats are BAD incase I didn't make it clear enough yesterday. My legs are still in pain! This resulted in me skipping the gym yesterday and getting a lecture from the husband about working out and the importance of stretching etc. YAY!

*Since I did skip the gym yesterday I was able to work some on our engagement album, yes that's right from the engagement party that took place on 07/07/2007. I finished three pages none of which I am entirely happy with but I guess it will take some time to get back into it.

*The new 90210 wasn't horrible last night but what was with the short shorts?? Not everyone can pull them off and last night is proof!

*Dylan is the father of Kelly's son....Wonder if this means he'll come back to the show.

*Is it bad that 9:30 AM this morning while I made my whole grain toast what I really wanted to eat was Reese's Peanut butter Cups?

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