Monday, September 22, 2008

Maybe she's born with it....

Maybe it's makeup....After a quick stop in Sephora this weekend Jay and I started talking about how girls really have the upper hand....See if we're tired, or pale, or feeling a little under the weather with a few quick flourishes we can look like a million bucks! Guys don't have that option and what you see is what you get! So here are some of my favorites....

For Daily Wear:

This is the best concealer I have used by far! As long as I remember not to rub my eyes all day and take it off!

It's a little ridiculous how much of this lipgloss I own but it's awesome!! I love the minty taste and it keeps my lips super soft!! I currently have the following four tubes floating around in my purse...

This Bronzer is perfect to add a little color to my super light skin....

For Fun:

MAC Fluidline Eyeliner

I have it in Blitz & Glitz, Rich Ground, and Macroviolet....I find applying eyeliner with a brush makes it a lot less likely for me to come out looking like a raccoon!! I have really big eyes....
MAC Mineral Eyeshadow

not in this color but some fun ones they had out last year....
and lastly this Mascara: (something about the British Accent on the commercials just makes you want you want to buy them!)

Since I am normally pretty minimal when it comes to my makeup unless it is a special occassion or I happen to have a little time in the morning ( I normally NEVER have time in the morning) I picked up this set of brushes which is pretty cheap but works well and is compact for easy pack-up.....
I also have the angeled eyeliner brush that makes applying eyeliner a breeze....
So what's in your bag of tricks??

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