Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Ever have days you just want to quit, as in it call it a day, go home curl under the blanket, eat some cheetos,(which I've totally been wanting since Lindsey mentioned them as her weakness!) watch some mindless TV, and wake up tomorrow days? That is today....but I wasn't ready to give up just yet. I figured maybe a yummy iced coffee would cheer me up....Since I'm at work this involved a trip to the break room for hot water for the coffee powder and ice to cool it down. Except on the way back I spilled the hot water on my thumb OUCH! I then proceeded to add in the coffee to the hot water and transfer it all to the cup of ice. I got almost all the coffee into the bigger cup when the phone rang and when I reached for it the cord knocked over what was left of it...Now I officially quit today! Hope all of you are having a much better day!


BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Boooooooo. Bad days stink. I'm having a bad week. Let's wallow together. Ah ha.

TheBeautyFile said...

oh no! let's hope tomorrow is a much better day!!

Haven and Home said...

Yes, I having one of those weeks! I keep finding myself saying I need a break but I just took one.

paula said...

oh my, hope your day is looking much better today!

Anonymous said...

Aww, we all have those klutsy days... I'm sure tomorrow will be better :)

Anonymous said...

Ugh bummer, I hate days like that!! Hope today is better for you! :)

dee said...

Oh no! I'm sorry, those days are the worst. We've all been there. I hope today is better for you:)