Friday, April 24, 2009

It's Friday!

I'm exhausted! We had an impromptu dinner get together last night and didn't get home till 12:30! Of course I had to see Grey's Anatomy last night and stayed up till 1:30 AM watching the recording (so happy to have my DVR back) Did anyone else catch it last night?

Was I the only one that cried over this little girls story? I never used to be a sap when it came to stuff on TV or in movies...don't know when that changed! Do you cry at things on TV?

Image from here.


Jen said...

I cried like a baby! I was a mess. That little girl dying and Bailey cradling her in her last hours and then the Dad- omg!

Eli said...

I tend to cry watching Greys and Biggest loser, you're not alone.

Candi of Candace Rose said...

If someone talks about their mom I'll cry. Beyonce was talking about how wonderful her mom is, and I got tearyeyed. I cried when watching Step Mom. I love my mama!

You're going to hate me, but I have never watched Grey's Anatomy. Hope you have a great weekend :)

Lindsey said...

Umm yes! I cried Tues while watching Biggest Loser and I cheer and clap and yell during American Idol. I get way to into shows, ha!

Lindsey said...

I totally cry when kids are involved cause I'm a mommy. This episode was watched as I ran on my treadmill so I didn't cry (too) much.

Anonymous said...

I don't watch Grey's . . . but I do cry at moments on TV all the time!

Have a Happy Week!

kadler said...

Oh, it was just too pathetic for me.

Sorry! I'm heartless :(