Monday, August 18, 2008

Mother's Day

I actually wanted to post for Raksha Bhandan but I didn't get a chance to load the pictures of my hand made Rakhris (the only ones my brothers will wear) So hopefully I can post more on that later this week...

Since my great grandmother passed away this year I want to do something really special for mothers day. I mean how often is it that four generations of the same family get to meet? After my great grandfather passed away last year I was going through pictures to find some of him. I came across of one of my great grandmother sitting in a swing wearing a blue sari. This picture triggered my memory of one I had taken of my mom the year before in the same swing also wearing blue! When we went wedding shopping in January I made sure to get a picture in the same swing in a blue sari. Sadly a few days later my great grandmother passed away and everyone was devastated. When my grandmother flew in after we left to complete the funeral arrangements I made sure she brought a blue sari with her also. Thanks to my cousin Ruchi for taking such a great picture of her and completing our set of pictures. I designed this in photoshop for Mother's Day and had them printed for my grandmother and mom. My mom finished it off by having it framed for us :) Love you Ba and miss you dearly!

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