I completely forgot about this Tag from
Blonde Bookworm!
The Rules are as Follows:
1. Choose a minimum of 7 blogs for brilliance in content/design.
2. Show the winners and let them know.
3. List at least 10 honest things about yourself.
So without further ado:
1. I am NOT a morning person, I don't fully function until about 9:30-10:00 AM. Seriously I bump into things, and have been known to absentmindedly put my hand directly on the hot part of the flat iron while trying to do my hair. Consequently I am normally at least 10 minutes late to work.
2. While we are on the topic of sleeping, since we got married I've done a good job of not hogging the blankets. However my preferred way of sleeping in in a cocoon of blankets, both my husband and brother find this very funny and they constantly make fun of me for it.
3. I love cheese, and will happily eat anything smothered in it. Well anything that's vegetarian of course!
4. I love to read, and I read pretty quickly although I haven't read much since I got married I always end up taking books with me on trips. On this last 10 day trip to India I finished Confessions of a Shopaholic, Twilight, and the Palace of Illusions. For those of you wondering I liked Twilight but I didn't think it was as exciting as it was hyped up to be. New Moon got a lot better and I am currently in the middle of Eclipse.
5. I have an addiction to wristlets/coin purses/small bags. In my purse I have a small makeup bag, a wristlet with my camera, my wallet, and another small bag with my ipod. Makes it easy to grab things when headed out to NY for the weekend.
6. I also have an addiction to pretty scarves, I probably have at least 20 if not more. Today I am wearing the breast cancer one from Pier 1 Imports. Sorry I couldn't find a picture online.
7. I like chocolate, and desserts a lot. I will only eat half my entree so that I can have space for dessert unfortunately for me my husband doesn't share that sweet tooth :(.
8. I have naturally curly hair but I don't really like it. I feel a lot more put together when my hair is straightened. I also will never wear my glasses if my hair is curly because I think I look like a crazy scientist.
9. I love taking pictures, looking at pictures, organizing pictures, anything to do with pictures of anyone. That's why I need to start scrapbooking again because it makes me happy :). I can't describe the satisfaction I get when I I capture the exact moment I wanted to. I've been doing pretty good with Project 365 too!
10. I love my family more then anything else in this world and don't know if I would be the person I am today without them!
I tag:
Sara Anchich,
Piper Jacquelyn,
Jeune Marie,
Sweet Nothings,
Eli, and last but not least
Mrs. JennyLo I think I still owe you a tag to now that I think about it sorryyyy!!! I'll get to it soon!