Monday, January 12, 2009

Project 365

Not sure if any of you have heard of this but it's basically where you take a picture everyday for the entire year. It can be a picture of anything representing that day to you. I have been meaning to get back into photography for fun and not only when there is an event and this seems like such a fun way to go back and look over your year come 2010! I know I'm already 12 days behind but that's not horrible since I have a pic from new years and one from the sis-in-laws birthday on Saturday so that just makes me 10 behind. It sounds kind of fun...what do you guys think? Should I go for it? Is anyone else interested in playing along with me?


Piper Jacquelyn said...

I love this idea! I think you should go for it and let us all see what you choose! Oh, and I'm working on my photos to send you!!!

illy said...

I love ur idea as well !! I'll try to stick to the project knowing dat am not a big fan of pics:)
so keep us posted on the pics u take!

kadler said...

What a neat project! Keep us posted on how it turns out :)