It is Monday morning and I am exhausted due to a 1:30 AM bedtime last night I'm also craving one of these RIGHT NOW! and I have the Pit Bull song "I know you want me" stuck in my head...
you have been craving lots of different foods lately first avocados n now this anything u want to tell me n my word verification is GRANDBA WHAT A COINCIDENCE
That is the BEST song to work out to!! Try it - I swear!! ;)
Mmm this makes me hungry!!!
I have yet to hear that song...but it sounds like I need to. :)
Thanks for the positivity!!! I need that today!
you have been craving lots of different foods lately first avocados n now this anything u want to tell me n my word verification is GRANDBA WHAT A COINCIDENCE
OK, fried dough? Really? Do you know what this does to a pregnant person?! Just kidding...but, really, I now REALLY want some!!
Oh wow... funnel cake. Blast from the past!
It has been so long since I've had funnel cake. Thank goodness festival season is upon us!!! XOXO
I am craving it too now:)
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