Since I started blogging over a year ago there has never been a time where I didn't enjoy it. That all stopped yesterday, apparently someone on facebook used images from my posts over at Elizabeth Anne Designs, along one from my personal photos, and an old modeling picture that I am not sure where he or she got it from and has uploaded them as her own. To ice the cake he/she tried to add my husband as her friend...he accepted so we could see if this was someone we knew and find out how she got those other pictures. I didn't want to send this person a message because then they would have access to my facebook profile and I was already weirded out that they had collected pictures from various places on the internet. As of this morning this person has removed my husband from her friends and has changed her privacy settings so that we can't view her profile so now I have no way of knowing if she/he has removed my pictures. So if this person is a reader of my blog I am asking nicely please remove my pictures...I don't know where you got them from or how you got them and it freaks me out that you did...
Has anyone had this happen to them? Do you have any suggestions other then reporting the person?
How To Organize A Linen Closet
1 day ago