Wednesday, August 19, 2009


So I guess the question is where have I been?? It seems like life is just moving by so fast and there's ALWAYS something going on!! First off the cieling in the basement fell through:

Then my mom's garage (courtesy of our newest driver)

All on the same day as a huge get together at our house for Raksha Bhandan (brother's day where sisters tie a string on their brothers hand to protect them for the following year to come)

Mix that in with a few other very important things going on, a commitment to help bake a cupcake cake, and a guest for dinner Saturday and lunch Sunday you get one very stressed out girl! Here is how the cake turned out...

That was all the week before last and I honestly don't remember half of what happened last week but I will say Happy Birthday to my twin nephews who turned 6 on Sunday!

Keeping my fingers crossed that I am back to regularly scheduled blog posting and commenting...

P.S. No I'm still not done choosing wedding pics...does someone want to come help??


Foreign Desi said...

Atleast you got to spend some time with your family, rakshabandhan with your bro, and eat cupcakes in between all the madness! And it's good that your bro wasn't hurt by the garage thing. Something similar happened to afamily friend, and she was in the hospital for a few days with a back problem!

Mango Gal said...

You've been a busy woman! Those cupcakes look really good right now, I'm hungry.

Tara Gibson said...

eeek! hope they get all those mishaps fixed easily! The cupcakes were adorable!

Gwen said...

WOW!!! You've been one busy woman!!! I love the idea of the Raksha Bhandan celebration. All of the food and cupcakes look wonderful!!! And Happy Birthday to your nephews. I'm sure they had a fabulous time!!! XOXO

Piper Jacquelyn said...

I'll help you! And your cupcakes look great, wow - so many! Oh, and the garage pic? Wow, looks like the way I used to drive when I was 16!

paula said...

so sad about your roof! But all the food does look quite yummy.

Lindsey said...

WOW you have been busy! Missed you!!

TheBeautyFile said...

It took me over a year and a half to just initially pick the photos for the album....then it took them another 6 months after that to compose it!! They said I was fast!!